Routines - Mikole Montgomery of MikMont Creations

I love when Mikole swings by LCC because her positive energy is so contagious. So it comes as no surprise that Mikole Montgomery of Mik Mont Creations makes a variety of cards and gifts…all with the goal of spreading positivity! Today, Mikole is sharing her normal daily routines with us as a mother and the maker behind MikMont Creations!

5:00A - I either work out, read, journal or cut paper but I really try to wake up around the same time every day. Right now I am reading Becoming by Michelle Obama and next I think I will read something by Brene Brown because her books keep getting recommended to me. 

6:00A - Plan the day, by hour. Check calendars. Text people (I’m sure they all love this, although no one ever really responds) Then I talk to my husband about random stuff. Scarf down some more water before I coat my stomach with coffee. 

7:00A - begin to prepare my mind and body for my son to wake up. I get his home school lessons and activities together while I listen to a podcast. Today was the GaryVee Audio Experience.

8:00A - He’s awake. Everyone is dressed, ready for the day. Breakfast is prepped in advance. We either have oatmeal with mixins or an egg muffin. Both great options if I do say so myself. 

9:00A - We either adhere to our normal home schooling session or he is my mini MikMont assistant. Home school for us includes puzzles, a trampoline, walks in the rain, flashcards, a little cooking, and cleaning. We both value our on the job training, especially when the park is included. We may be seen at hobby lobby, office depot, laser cut co, the post office, bank or making deliveries all over greater Houston. I really try not to respond to emails but I’ve built in a little grace time for myself here. While he’s doing a puzzle or practicing handwriting, I’m usually responding to an email, taking a quick call or making a social media post.

12:00ish Lunch time. Usually leftovers or food that I bought for myself that no one else likes.

1:00P - Nap time. I fit it at least 15 minutes. More if needed. Otherwise I am working on MikMont. Scheduling posts, creating cards, cutting paper, or letting Iphone portrait mode make me into a photographer etc. 

2:30P - It takes so much to wake up my son. So I usually pull out our bubble machine or sing loudly. Sometime I will even take the nurturing approach and wake him by reading a story.

3:30P - Snack time. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

4:00P - Get the house together – sweep something, fold something, light a candle etc.

5:00P - On the phone with my brother, best friend or husband

6:00P - Cook dinner (or heat something up) 

7:00P - Eat dinner at the table, talk about our day (the kid friendly version). After dinner we sneak off to our respective spaces with our respective electronics. Unless its Friday – that’s date night. Last Friday, we accompanied a small child to see some movie about a dragon.

8:00P - Everyone gets ready for bed because you don’t have to get ready if you stay ready. Actually, its because I’ve created too perfect of a sleep environment for my son and sometimes we find ourselves succumbing to these all these lavender jazzy vibes. 

9:00P - Consider making a cup of coffee. Do an hour of fun work – card or product creation. 

10:00ish - Go to bed. Unless I am doing a pop up that week, then I will sacrifice a bit more sleep to get some more work done.    

You can find her shop here - or follow her on instagram @mikmont